Saturday, May 30, 2015

Nicole Mullen Writes Parody of Ann Refusing Gaby Pacheco's Offer for a Hug

    On Saturday, May 30, 2015, Thought Catalog released Nicole Mullen's parody of Ann (and the media's reaction to Ann) refusing to hug an illegal immigrant at Ann's interview with Jorge Ramos. The parody is entitled, "Inhuman Ann Coulter Refuses To Let Gamer Touch Her Feet."

    Ann shared it on Twitter:

    The funny thing about this is that the phrasing is very similar to the original (which was funny enough already). There is a typical MSM reaction inserted into the conversation.

""Hi Ann. My question to you is this: may I touch your feet?"

"No, of course not," shot back Coulter, refusing to show even the littlest bit of humanity. "This is a Q&A session."

..."Ann... I disagree with a lot of what you say, but I am a human and I am asking to touch your feet so I can acknowledge your humanity. If you don’t let me touch your feet, it means all your opinions are invalid. Everyone will see this video and know that you’re a bad person, but making you look bad isn’t my goal here. I just want to touch your feet.""

    Here is the original video (which is a 31 second clip of this 31+ minute interview):

Tom Tancredo Thanks Ann for Writing ¡Adios America!

    Tom Tancredo thanked Ann in a review of ¡Adios America! The review can be read on WND.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Rick Sanchez of Fox News Thinks Ann Is Trying to Appeal to Xenophobes

    On Friday, May 29, 2015, Rick Sanchez complained about Ann's stance on immigration, saying she is just being like that " order to ingratiate herself to xenophobes..." Sanchez also thinks that it is ironic that banner ads on Ann's site were Hispanic in nature. It's sad to see that Fox is hiring someone so oblivious of the internet that he doesn't know those ads are tailored to his interests.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ben Shapiro Reviews ¡Adios America!

    On Wednesday, May 27, 2015, Townhall published Ben Shapiro's piece on ¡Adios America! It is also available on CNSnews.