Wednesday, December 23, 2015

¡Adios America!: #1 Conservative Book of 2015

    Voters on the Conservative Book Club website chose ¡Adios America! as the best political book of 2015 with a whopping 62% of the vote.

    It's a little strange, though, that the Conservative Book Club ranked ¡Adios America! as #2, and Clinton Cash as #1. Voters, on the other hand, voted Clinton Cash as #6 with only 3% of the vote. That is 21 to 1 in favor of ¡Adios America!

    The decision by the Conservative Book Club was supposedly "based on sales data, wider impact, and editorial discretion."

    The poll was put on by Bradley Matthews and the article was written by Matthews. Why did Matthews specifically ignore the will of the people?

(There are not timestamps on the pages, so maybe the poll was put up after Matthews ranked the books.)

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