Thursday, August 27, 2015

Jim Moret Posts a Picture of Himself with Ann

    On Thursday, August 27, 2015, at 10:50am PDT, Jim Moret posted a photo on Instagram:

A photo posted by @jimmoret on

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Twitter Users Share Photos of Ann

    On Tuesday, August 25, 2015, @Philiprucker tweeted:

On the same day, @anniekarni tweeted:

    The photos appear to be from Ann's Dubuque, Iowa event.

Telegraph Herald Tweets Photo of Ann

    On Tuesday, August 25, 2015, the Telegraph Herald tweeted a photo of Ann with Jennifer Smith:

Steve Byas Reviews ¡Adios America!

    On Tuesday, August 25, 2015, the New American published Steve Byas' review of ¡Adios America!

Trump Asks Everyone to Read ¡Adios America!

    On Tuesday, August 25, 2015, Ann shared a video of Donald Trump telling a crowd to go buy ¡Adios America! because:
"It's actually a very good book and oh, is it true."

    It is 14 seconds long:

Donald Trump endorses ¡Adios, America!
Dubuque, Iowa with Donald J. Trump
Posted by Ann Coulter on Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

John Stossel Needs to Think Harder

    On Saturday, August 22, 2015, at 7:49pm EDT, John Stossel wrote an article called "Immigration foes don’t have facts on their side." Here's the response to his claims*:

"Clearly, lots of Americans are mad about immigration. But we libertarians believe that people trapped in horrible countries deserve a chance at a better life and that free trade in labor, not just products, is a good thing."
    Everyone thinks everyone should be able to have a better life, but not at the expense of others (as in slavery/tax/indentured servitude).

"Why would I think that when my Facebook "fans" tell me things like: "Most immigrants, legal & illegal, get food stamps & welfare"?

Because that’s not true."
    It's strange that I just stumbled across this today.

"Of course, some immigrants cheat, many hospitals lose money treating undocumented people and immigrants’ kids get free public schooling. On average, the lifetime fiscal impact of the average immigrant is negative $3,000, says the National Research Council."
        Imagine a poor Mexican illegally comes to America, making $20,000~ a year, and has three kids. ONE child PER year of school costs $10,000. Three kids times $10,000 = $30,000 taxpayer money, times 10 years of school = $300,000. American citizens can't even pay off their $30,000 student loans, so how can immigrants take $300,000 solely through education and actually pay it back?

"But the NRC goes on to say that descendants of the immigrant make a positive fiscal contribution of $83,000." 
    "Rich" Americans put money into the government, grow old, and take money out (and we still struggle with money our whole lives). This results in an $18 trillion debt. Yet Stossel thinks poor immigrants can succeed with a better life in America while living a worse life than Americans and contributing more in taxes than Americans while taking less out? If immigrants help our economy, why didn't they just help theirs?

"Even illegal immigration helps delay the bankruptcy of Social Security and Medicare. Young illegal workers pay into the system — but most don’t collect. “Medicare and Social Security — the biggest welfare programs,” says Nowrasteh. “Immigrants subsidize those programs massively.”
    That's a brilliant plan. Charge foreigners money to pay for our seniors. The problem is they will get to collect Social Security (and Obamacare) when they get amnesty. Here's what Ann had to say about it:
"...Considering as we're always being taunted [that] immigrants are so young and vital, whereas the white people, they're old; they're dying off. Well... you would think, in your later years, that's when you might need a little more government assistance, not when you're... at the peak of your earning power."

    Now, back to Stossel:
"Health policy journal Health Affairs says in 2009 immigrants contributed $13.8 billion more to the Medicare Trust Fund than they collected in benefits. In the same year, native-born Americans took out $30.9 billion more than they paid in."
    But you want illegals to get amnesty, hence the ability to collect Medicare?

"Coulter says that the new immigrants don’t assimilate the way Europeans did. Maybe that’s true, but I pointed out that immigrants from Nigeria, Jamaica and Ghana are more likely to be employed than native-born Americans and twice as likely to get a college degree. "I don’t believe it," answered Coulter."
    Is that taking college degrees and employment from Americans? Either way, all immigrants from Nigeria, Jamaica, and Ghana combined equals 1 million. That's 2% of immigrants. Assuming Stossel chose the best 3 countries, those immigrants equal 2% of immigrants. 2% of immigrants get an A+; 90% get an F.

She also argues that America admits too many immigrants, but how many is too many? Thirteen percent of America’s population is now foreign born (down from 15 percent in 1915).
    Yeah, leave out the fact they were only 4% in 1970. (And income inequality mirrors how many immigrants are in the US.)

"Immigrants make up 27 percent of the population in Switzerland and Australia."
    They pick their immigrants; our immigrants pick us. The majority of immigrants to Australia are from Britain. The largest immigrant group to Switzerland is Italians. They pick their immigrants; we should too.

"Of course, it would be good if all immigrants came here legally. But America makes that difficult."
    America takes more immigrants than the rest of the world combined. Yes, a couple of countries have immigrants as 27% of the population, but America taking more in than the entire world? That has to count for something.

"Forbes says a computer programmer from India who wants to work in America legally must wait an average of 35 years. A Mexican teenager would have to wait 131 years. No wonder people give up on the legal approach and sneak in."
    Mexicans are the largest immigrant group and they wait 131 years? Then immigrants from Britain must be waiting about 1000 years. Look at all of the discrimination.

"Donald Trump calls immigrants "criminals," and some are. We don’t know how many because America doesn’t know how many illegals are here. But a count of prisoners shows that more Americans are jailed than immigrants."
    Immigrants make up 14%~ of the population. Of course there should be more Americans in jail. Either way, like Ann says, ZERO immigrants should be criminals.

"Social Science Quarterly found ":cities with greater growth in immigrant ... populations ... have steeper decreases in homicide and robbery rates.""
    One could say, "Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine have low immigrant populations and low crime," or one could just say, "Correlation does not equal causation."

"The facts show that immigration is mostly good."
    For Americans?

*The formatting of Stossel's article has been stripped.

Friday, August 21, 2015

CHRISRBRANT Has Some Book Title Ideas for Ann

    On Friday, August 21, 2015, Grassroots Comedy published CHRISRBRANT's piece that has 4 title suggestions for Ann's next book. Here's the fourth one:
"Let’s Put All of the Immigrants, Blacks, Muslims, Gays, Feminists, and Poor People on a Giant Boat and Ship Them to Canada: My Plan to Save America."

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Roger Stone Says Ann Is "Absolutely Right"

    On Thursday, August 20, 2015, Donald Trump's former campaign adviser, Roger Stone, visited Fox and Friends with Steve Doocy to discuss Trump and immigration. He called (video, 31/2 minutes) Ann's recent column "excellent" and said that "she is absolutely right."

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rob Knowles Praises Ann and Trump

    On Wednesday, August 19, 2015, Last Resistance published Rob Knowles' piece that calls out all of the people who call Ann "racist" rather than refute her arguments. Knowles writes:
"People called Coulter an idiot, a racist, and slung endless and quite lame ad hominem attacks at her. What these people don’t understand is that Ann Coulter is smarter than all of them."
"Trump’s celebrity and in-your-face attitude have combined to create the perfect storm. This Trumpnado can be used to tear apart the status quo, uproot the go-along club, and force the conversation. Trump’s proposal will act as a guiding light around which the other candidates will have to gather."
"So before you slam Ann Coulter for aggressively supporting Trump, think about why she would be doing such a thing. Oh, she’s an idiot. Yeah, keep thinking that. Look at her body of work and dismiss her methods at your own peril. It may turn out that you’re the idiot." [Emphasis original.]

Glenn Beck's Strange Reasoning about Ann

    On Wednesday, August 19, 2015, the Blaze posted an article that explains Beck's thoughts on why Republicans can't get anything done. In the article, he comments on Ann's tweet:

    The article says:
"“I’ve seen some of her statements and I’m like, ‘What the hell — Ann, what are you talking about?’”

Beck specifically referenced Coulter’s tweet saying Trump’s immigration policy is so good, she doesn’t care if he "wants to perform abortions in White House."" [Hyperlink removed.]

    Now read (or watch) what Beck said in the video that was embedded in the article:
"You can't fix immigration... until you fix the Constitution." [Quote found in minute 1.]


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Rick Wilson Tweets Vulgar Insult to Ann

    After an article reported that Rick Wilson said that 25% of Republican voters were stupid, some comments on the article contained rape threats toward his daughter. Rick Wilson freaked out, so Ann tweeted:

   Wilson responded with a (now deleted) tweet, saying, "Does Trump pay you more for anal?"

   Afterward, Wilson tweeted:

    So, to explain, Wilson calls Ann's tweet "vulgar" and his tweet "parental anger."

UPDATE: Two months later (today, October 29) Ann tweeted this:

    Ann then retweeted:

Monday, August 17, 2015

Thom Hartmann Wonders If Ann Is Scared of Sanders

    On Monday, August 17, 2015, The Big Picture discussed a few things, along with Thom Hartmann wondering if Ann is right that Sanders would be more likely than Clinton to beat a Republican. The video is over 57 minutes, but Ann is only talked about from minutes 52-53, and 56.

    Liberals have been saying that Ann is not getting attention from the media anymore, but this video is proof that claim is false. Ann is only talked about for 3 minutes out of 57, but the title of the video makes it sound like the video is exclusively about Ann.

    Here is where Ann is the topic in the video:

Minute 52: Video of Ann on Fox explaining that Clinton should be the Democrat nominee.
Minutes 52-53: Ann is right.

Minute 56: Ann is scared of Sanders.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mark Levin Calls out Ann for Abortion Tweet

    On Sunday, August 16, 2015, Ann tweeted that:

    The next day, Mark Levin called Ann out:

Laura Elizabeth Shares Photo of Ann

    On Sunday, August 16, 2015, Laura Elizabeth posted a photo to Facebook.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

House of Fisher Points out Ann's Earrings

    On Saturday, August 15, 2015, @HouseofFisher tweeted:

...and linked to:

Friday, August 14, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Rusty Humphries Tweeted a Picture with Ann

    On Thursday, August 13, 2015, @Talk2Rusty tweeted:

Mitchell Sunderland Writes about a Night Out with Ann

    On Thursday, August 13, 2015, Broadly published Mitchell Sunderland's piece, "Ann Coulter Is a Human Being," about his time spent with Ann. Here are some quotes.

"Since the '90s, Coulter has hung out with hordes of homosexuals."
"Another time, when Coulter was ill, [John] Phillips asked her how he could help. "We need to get all the gays together," Coulter told him. "We need to go out and take them to dinner. I'm going to talk them all out of gay marriage." This was the way to make her feel better.

Phillips organized a night out, and Coulter told his gay friends she knew they really didn't want to get married--she knew they were more interested in promiscuous sex than in traditional family structures. In a view very similar to radical queers' opposition to gay marriage, Coulter argued that gay marriage would ruin gay culture, because gays value promiscuity over monogamy. "That's the whole point of being gay, so stop the bullshit," she said. "I know at least half of you are totally against gay marriage." By the end of the dinner, they agreed with her." [Hyperlink removed.]
"She grew up in a conservative household in Connecticut where her Republican parents expected her and her two older brothers to not only have opinions, but to express them.

"We considered Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas as a failure if we did not argue about both religion and politics," Coulter says. "It's a secret plot by the Left that it's an etiquette thing to not talk about religion and politics.""
"...[Ann] spent time with her Muslim boyfriend, whom she called "my Muslim." (They met shortly after 9/11; Coulter says, "I thought he was a terrorist.")"
"...Coulter places a value on humor. If an editor tells her to cut down a book, she will delete facts before she removes jokes because, she says, in today's politically correct environment, the jokes take on a bigger meaning."