Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rob Knowles Praises Ann and Trump

    On Wednesday, August 19, 2015, Last Resistance published Rob Knowles' piece that calls out all of the people who call Ann "racist" rather than refute her arguments. Knowles writes:
"People called Coulter an idiot, a racist, and slung endless and quite lame ad hominem attacks at her. What these people don’t understand is that Ann Coulter is smarter than all of them."
"Trump’s celebrity and in-your-face attitude have combined to create the perfect storm. This Trumpnado can be used to tear apart the status quo, uproot the go-along club, and force the conversation. Trump’s proposal will act as a guiding light around which the other candidates will have to gather."
"So before you slam Ann Coulter for aggressively supporting Trump, think about why she would be doing such a thing. Oh, she’s an idiot. Yeah, keep thinking that. Look at her body of work and dismiss her methods at your own peril. It may turn out that you’re the idiot." [Emphasis original.]

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