Monday, August 17, 2015

Thom Hartmann Wonders If Ann Is Scared of Sanders

    On Monday, August 17, 2015, The Big Picture discussed a few things, along with Thom Hartmann wondering if Ann is right that Sanders would be more likely than Clinton to beat a Republican. The video is over 57 minutes, but Ann is only talked about from minutes 52-53, and 56.

    Liberals have been saying that Ann is not getting attention from the media anymore, but this video is proof that claim is false. Ann is only talked about for 3 minutes out of 57, but the title of the video makes it sound like the video is exclusively about Ann.

    Here is where Ann is the topic in the video:

Minute 52: Video of Ann on Fox explaining that Clinton should be the Democrat nominee.
Minutes 52-53: Ann is right.

Minute 56: Ann is scared of Sanders.

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