Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mickey Kaus Explains Ann's 6 Points on Immigration

    On Tuesday, July 28, 2015, Mickey Kaus posted an explanation of why he wants less immigration, and a 6-point list of why Ann opposes immigration.

    Here are some quotes:

    On culture being important:
"If businessmen can make millions babbling about corporate "culture" — If Reddit can have a culture — why can’t we talk about the cultures from which immigrants come?... Thought experiment: What if the entire population of Central America, India, Bangladesh, Russia and Western China –some 1.8 billion people — miraculously moves to the U.S. in a month. Screen them for criminals and terrorists. Don’t change any U.S. laws to accomodate [sic] them. Construct plenty of housing and schools and roads in advance. In two years the country wouldn’t look anything like the country we know now, of course.  Do you think it would it retain the things we now value about America? That it would be a better place? Good. I don’t either. Now we are just haggling over the size and pace of the inflow." [Emphasis original.]

The beginning of point 5:
"5) Diversity sucks! According to Coulter, my idea of a Los Angeles in which Korean immigrants live with Latino immigrants to produce a vibrant synergistic whole is insane. Diversity is "a train wreck." Her big gun in this argument is the inconvenient work of a beloved liberal professor, Robert Putnam:

Contrary to his expectations–and desire –Putnam’s study showed that the greater the ethnic diversity, the less people trusted their neighbors, their local leaers, and even the news. People in diverse communities gave less to charity, voted less, had fewer friends, were more unhappy …It was not, Putnam said, that people in diverse conummnities trusted people of their own ethnicity more, and other races less. They didn’t trust anyone. …[This was copied exactly from Kaus, but he incorrectly quotes Ann. For instance, Ann did not misspell "leaers" and "conummnities."]

"I used to worry that someone who can get on TV would raise the issues Coulter raises... [and] just piss people off and open the door to discrimination. If you wring your hands about Mexicans who don’t acknowledge the Southern border, you’re apt to produce a lot of angry, ethnically self-conscious Mexican-Americans who might decide, hey, now that you mention it, you did steal our land.

But we seem beyond those worries now. Ethnic identity politics has arrived and put down roots ... [S]ome immigrant groups really don’t look at the border the same way we do. A majority (52% ) of Mexicans, in a respected Pew poll, agreed that “Mexicans have a right to be in the U.S.,” while fully 66% thought the “U.S. government has no right to limit immigration.” ... Meanwhile, opponents have to hold their tongues, which makes them angrier." [Emphasis and hyperlink both original.]

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Youtuber Explains That Someone Published a Fake Copy of ¡Adios America!

    Laura Freed* published a video and blog post on Saturday, July 25, 2015, explaining how someone put a fake copy of ¡Adios America! on Amazon. That is not itself very surprising, but Freed believes that it was an inside job. The 8+ minute video is below the quote from Freed's blog post.
"Today I noticed a fake book being sold as Ann Coulter’s "Adios America" – Amazon has very very strict guidelines and any self-published author on Amazon will tell you- it couldn’t have happened without some help from the inside."

    If you do not have time to watch the 8+ minutes, here is what Freed talked about:

Minute 0: Freed saw the fake book while browsing Amazon.
Minutes 1-2: Amazon reviews books before publishing them to make sure they are not fakes, but Amazon missed this one.
Minute 3: Someone named Ann Coulter left a 1-star review on the fake book, saying it was not hers. Freed's anti-liberal reviews were erased by Amazon.
Minutes 4-5: Amazon Vine began taxing users, causing the liberals to freak out.
Minute 5: It is probably an inside job, not the whole company.
Minute 6: [Raw video begins, showing computer screen and website.]
Minutes 6-7: Sometimes beginning authors with identical names to celebrities specifically say that they are not associated with their famous counterpart, but this book does not.
Minute 8: Do not buy the fake book!

*Is "Freed" Laura's last name?

Friday, July 24, 2015

Jeb Bush Sees Ann in Sharknado

    On Friday, July 24, Jeb Bush posted a video to Youtube about Sharknado 3. He saw Ann playing the VPOTUS. The video is 48 seconds long.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jay Nordlinger Reviews ¡Adios America!

    The National Review Online published a review (by Jay Nordlinger) of ¡Adios America! on Thursday, July 23, 2015, at 4:00am. Here are some quotes:

"The subtitle is "The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole."

From the subtitle, a person might think this book is a crazy rant, and there are crazy-rant touches, for Coulter writes flamboyantly. But this is a serious book making serious points."
"Coulter pleads that she has nothing against Mexico. "Love the food!" But she has concerns (to put it mildly) about lopsided immigration from our southern neighbor."
"To most of us conservatives, it’s plain that a social-welfare state is incompatible with mass immigration. Coulter has penned a formula: "Third World immigration + massive welfare state + political correctness = The End of America." She adds that "we no longer ask anything of immigrants in terms of assimilation. We can’t. That would be ‘racist.’"" [Emphasis original.]
"In one of her closing flourishes, Coulter writes, "Americans love to mock the French for rolling over for Hitler, but at least they had Panzers rolling through Paris. America has chosen to do nothing as our country is taken away from us without a shot fired.""

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ann Wins 8th Place for Craziest Cameo

    On Wednesday, July 22, 2015, at 10:46pm PDT, Entertainment Tonight published Zach Seemayer's piece: a list of craziest cameos in Sharknado 3. Ann won 8th place and the first place winner was George R. R. Martin.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Is Ben Shapiro the Jewish Version of Ann?

    That's the titular question posed by Roi Ben-Yehuda on Times of Israel on Tuesday, July 21, 2015. Otherwise, Ann is never mentioned again. The article is about Shapiro's comments on transgenders.

"Ebola Doctor" Responds to Ann

    On Wednesday, August 6, 2014, Ann wrote "Ebola Doc's Condition Downgraded to 'Idiotic.'" The first sentence explains the point of the article:
"I wonder how the Ebola doctor feels now that his humanitarian trip has cost a Christian charity much more than any services he rendered."
    Dr. Kent Brantly went to Africa as a doctor and missionary, contracted Ebola, and then costed much money in being cured. Ann wonders why he didn't just be a missionary right here in the USA (which, as the most powerful country in the world, has the need to also be the most Christian country in the world, for obvious reasons).

    Ann also writes:
"Right there in Texas, near where Dr. Brantly left his wife and children to fly to Liberia and get Ebola, is one of the poorest counties in the nation, Zavala County -- where he wouldn't have risked making his wife a widow and his children fatherless. But serving the needy in some deadbeat town in Texas wouldn't have been "heroic.""

    On Tuesday, July 21, 2015, Brantly responded:

Minute 12: Stetzer asks what they think about Ann's column.
Minutes 12-13: Brantly says that most do not have the ability to preach in another country, so those who can should.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jerry Kammer Thinks Ann's Completely Wrong... When Using Hyperbole

    Real Clear Politics published, on Thursday, July 16, 2015, a piece written by Jerry Kammer about how wrong and horrible Ann is with her delivery of talking points, but otherwise she's right. A few weeks later, Alexander Hart published a retort that crushes Kammer's piece.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Writer Looks Like Idiot When Using Faulty Data to Attack Ann

    The Guardian published an article on Wednesday, July 15, 2015, by Jason Nichols. It is about problems in the Hispanic and black communities being caused by racism.

    Here is one sentence of Nichol's:
"Donald Trump and Coulter are perfect examples of the fact that Latinos and black Americans share common enemies."

    Here's a quote about Ann's Hispanic rape comments:
"...Coulter and others sound eerily like Dylann Roof (and could have potentially been his influences)..."

    Here is the part where the major stupidity is put on display:

"Trump, bestselling author and regular Fox News guest Ann Coulter and many other hateful voices from the far right have said black people and Latinos are rapists – and they use skewed statistics to back their claims... [T]hey tend to leave out the fact 70% of child molesters are white males." [Hyperlink original.]

    Here is the explanation:

    1. Nichols links to a website focused on giving out tips for life, not an actual reliable source.

    2. Nichols wrote white males are 70% of child molesters. The unreliable source does not even say that. It says whites (male and female), not white males. We will let this claim slide due to obvious reasons.

    3. Nichols' source says 14% of Hispanic inmates are convicted for offenses against children. The Federal Bureau of Prisons does not have stats specifically for child molestation, but let's overestimate by lumping together Homicide + Aggravated Assault + Kidnapping Offenses + ALL Sex Offenses = 10% of inmates. That percentage could easily be rounded down to 5% or 3% to only account for offenses against children. So that just shows you how much Hispanics molest children when compared to everyone else.

    4. Nichols' source lumps Hispanics and whites together. The white population + the Hispanic population = 78%, while still only being 70% of child molesters.

    Like Nichols' source, the Bureau of Justice Statistics also lumps whites and Hispanics together for rape statistics.

    Let us look at a source that is about rape in general (not just child rape). It mentions rape stats for whites, blacks, Asians/Pacific Islanders, Amerindians/Alaskans, and mixed race people.

    The terms "Hispanic," "Latino," and "Mexican" do not show up at all (in the two sources provided), in spite of Hispanics being the largest minority group in America. While looking at crime stats, always check first to see if Hispanics are counted as white.

Dr. Richard Reeb Reviews ¡Adios America!

    Desert Dispatch published Dr. Richard Reeb's review of ¡Adios America! on Wednesday, July 15, 2015, at 12:01am.

    Here are some quotes:

"In [¡Adios America!] there are plenty of facts to support Coulter’s contention that our immigration policy ought to be governed by what is best for our nation and its citizens, rather than the wants and needs of immigrants. Congress possesses complete authority to define citizenship and thereby to determine who is eligible and who is not, but our leaders have been reluctant, to put it mildly, to address the concerns of most Americans who are not bigoted but concerned about our decades-long "transformation.""
"[Our problems] actually started with the Immigration Act of 1965 which, for the first time, permitted members of families to join those already in the country. This was a radical departure from not only previous federal law but the law of virtually every other country on earth to prefer those with a skill or some other tangible contribution."

Monday, July 13, 2015

Bob Guccione Jr., Son of Penthouse Founder, Claims to Have Dated Ann

    On Monday, July 13, 2015, The Daily Beast published an article by Lloyd Grove, who wrote about Bob Guccione Jr.

    Grove writes:
"In the late 1990s, Guccione even had a serious relationship with conservative firebrand Ann Coulter.

"It was shtick when I knew her," he says of his ex-girlfriend’s penchant for provoking liberals with outrageous remarks. "She became infatuated with her exploding celebrity, and really got caught up in that Republican heroine thing, and forgot that it was shtick."

To which Coulter retorts: "Guccione’s greatest achievements were creating Spin magazine in the ’80s and getting me to date him briefly in the ’90s. I see he’s still living off those aging laurels.""

     While Ann rarely speaks of her personal life, Guccione's Wikipedia article (no source), Ann's Wikipedia article (source is a dead link), and Zimbio (no source) all say that they were in a relationship, but there are no apparent pictures of them together and Ann does not seem to have commented on the claims.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Donald Trump Says He Loves Ann

    On Friday, July 10, 2015, at 9:52pm PDT, Paul Bond reported for the Hollywood Reporter that Donald Trump spoke at a private event with Hollywood conservatives (with Ann present). Bond wrote:

"[Trump] took a few moments during his off-the-cuff presentation to praise Ann Coulter, sitting at a nearby table: "I love her. She's so pretty. She lost Chris Christie when he gave Obama a French kiss.""

    Bond later wrote:
"Coulter shared her support for Trump at the event: "I love Donald Trump. He's bringing up an issue the rest of them are too chicken or too stupid to discuss.""

Regnery Publishing Released Photos of Ann's July 9 Book Signing

    On Friday, July 10, 2015, Regnery Publishing released a Facebook album with nine photos from Ann's July 9 book signing, which was hosted by AM590 The Answer. Here are three photos:

    Ann speaking with Jennifer Horn and Don Dix:

Thursday, July 9, 2015

NewsBusters Says Ann Will Appear at Their 10th Anniversary Party

    This was posted by the NB Staff on Thursday, July 9, 2015, at 4:27pm EDT. It says that Ann will be at NewsBusters' 10th anniversary party on August 3.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Ann Gets Credit for Megyn Kelly Reaching the #1 Cable News TV Spot

    On Wednesday, July 8, 2015, at 2:26pm, Western Journalism published an article of James Beattie crediting Ann's debate with Geraldo Rivera (and Ted Cruz's appearance) with helping raise Kelly's viewership into the #1 spot:

"On The Kelly File last week, the 9 p.m. ET host increased her viewership in the 25-54 ratings from 400K to 458K... She was helped by an interview with Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and a spirited debate... [between] Geraldo Rivera and Ann Coulter, both of which took place last Tuesday."

Mediaite Writer Reminds Us That Ann Once Called Trump a Clown

    Alex Griswold wrote a piece that appeared on Mediaite on Wednesday, July 8th, 2015, at 2:12pm. It brings us back to the time Ann said Donald Trump was a clown:

""I think Trump is a clown," Coulter said... back in 2011...

Coulter also reportedly criticized Trump for his donations to Democratic political campaigns and his birtherism. "It’s all just a big act for the moment," she said.

Since then, Coulter’s tone has changed dramatically. "I really think he is magnificent,"..."

*Ann also criticizes and says she loves (perhaps jokingly for both) Trump in an interview with John Phillips at CPAC 2011 (in minute 2).

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Unnamed Conservative Calls Ann Racist

    Last Resistance published (on Saturday, July 4, 2015,) Rob Knowles' piece on a conservative (whose name is not revealed) who thinks Ann is racist for saying...

""You have to understand, screaming and defacing things is how Latin Americans express disagreement. At least as long as they were destroying books and screaming in a book store, they weren’t molesting any 4-year-olds.""
    ...in response to protesters disrupting one of her recent book signings.

    Knowles quotes the mysterious conservative as saying this...

""This is just plain racism…In this case, [our opponents are] just right. Ann Coulter is being a stupid racist.""
    ...and this...
""It’s time we realize that she’s crossed a line and the more attention we give her without denouncing her stupidity just hurts us all.”"

    Knowles says (in response to the mystery person):

"First, let’s all realize that Ann Coulter is prone to making jokes and using hyperbole alongside her more important content. This is her way of making a point. Hyperbole and cutting remarks followed by her actual intended argument is one of her signatures. Yes, she’s a bomb-thrower. Like it or don’t like it, but understand it."
"...[W]hat Ann Coulter said was simply another rhetorical bomb, designed to get attention, and subsequently focus that attention on her main argument...

To call... what she said "racist," tells me that you’re not seeing the larger picture. You’re eschewing the context...

To say she "crossed a line" is about ten years too late. It’s what she does. I don’t always agree with Ann Coulter, but to cry racism in this instance is, to quote someone familiar, just stupid."

    Who is the mystery conservative? Most likely Soopermexican, who agrees with Ann on illegal immigration, but wrote (on Friday, July 3, 2015):

"This is just plain racism.

And I know what you’re feeling right now, it’s that twitch in your knee that wants to jerk to defend anyone assaulted by what we know is a news media with leftist sympathies. I have it too. But what should be stronger in all of us is the courage to uphold and defend the plain simple truth, even when it pains us to admit our opponents might be slightly right. Bastards that they are.

In this case, they’re just right. Ann Coulter is being a stupid racist." [Emphasis original.]
"It’s time we realize that she’s crossed a line and the more attention we give her without denouncing her stupidity just hurts us all."

Thursday, July 2, 2015

John Derbyshire Wants a Trump-Coulter Presidential Ticket

    VDARE published John Derbyshire's new article on Thursday, July 2, 2015, at 10:37pm. It is (after referencing many problems in America) about Ann joining Donald Trump in his run for president and fixing America's problems.

@CaneesqOC Shares Photo of Ann at a Book Signing*

@CaneesqOC tweeted a photo of Ann on Thursday, July 2, at 12:10am.

*It appears to be a book signing.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The SPLC's Hatewatch Blog Says Ann Cited Racists

   Published on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, at 12:33pm, the SPLC released "...a rundown of the cast of extremist characters Coulter cites[.]" Not only does the SPLC not explain what is wrong with citing (who they call) "racists," the SPLC themselves cite those exact same people. If the SPLC was implying that Ann is a racist, then the SPLC (based on that logic) is racist too.

    James Fulford of VDARE released a piece (on Wednesday, July 1, 2015, at 11:43pm) on why the SPLC's claims are not substantiated.

Steve Sailer Reviews ¡Adios America!

    On Wednesday, July 1, 2015, Taki's Magazine published Steve Sailer's review of ¡Adios America!

Illegals Disturb One of Ann's Book Signings

    On Wednesday, July 1, 2015, Ann's book signing at a Barnes and Noble in Costa Mesa, CA, was interrupted by protesters (primarily illegal aliens and those who appear to be of Mexican descent).

    Here are 2 videos, each less than a minute:

    Another video can be found at Breitbart, along with a report on the protest.

    Here is Ann's response to the protest.

    Also, a piece (that contains two videos and some pictures) on DailyLoL.com says:

"A flash mob congregates, drop banners and begin profanity-laced chants and tirades (plenty of children present):..."
"As people exited the store with signed books, the mob threw garbage and chanted at them profanely:


"Go back to Europe asshole"
"Fu*k you whitey""
"Kill Ann Coulter

[Above punctuation is quoted exactly.]

Two protestors [sic] made it through tight security and nearly assaulted Ms. Coulter before bodyguards could subdue them and security removed from the event[.]"

    Additionally, a blog post published on OC Weekly by Gabriel San Roman on Friday, July 3, 2015, explains what "really happened." (In other words: the liberal perspective.)
"A pair of blog posts put out preposterous claims that Coulter originally planned a talk but chose a signing out of security fears. Protesters were also said to have tried to assault the author before being turned away. Another lie holds that the crowd spit at Coulter's fans when they exited the bookstore.

None of it is true.

Coulter told me that there was never any lecture planned--just the signing. And with all this supposed chaos, there would have been a couple arrests, no?"

    Besides this, Roman would not shake Ann's hand.

    Also, after pestering Ann, Roman was led out by the staff:
""I thought you wanted a debate on immigration, Ann," I said while being led out."
    Yes, she does. There are two reasons she would not spontaneously debate Roman. First, when dozens of people are waiting in line to speak with Ann, she should not engage in a random debate with a random stranger. Second, what's the point of a debate if Roman (only one person) will benefit or learn anything from it? There is a point, but what does Roman do? Roman buys ¡Adios America!, but then lets the protesters tear it to pieces. That proves that Roman does not even care.