Saturday, July 4, 2015

Unnamed Conservative Calls Ann Racist

    Last Resistance published (on Saturday, July 4, 2015,) Rob Knowles' piece on a conservative (whose name is not revealed) who thinks Ann is racist for saying...

""You have to understand, screaming and defacing things is how Latin Americans express disagreement. At least as long as they were destroying books and screaming in a book store, they weren’t molesting any 4-year-olds."" response to protesters disrupting one of her recent book signings.

    Knowles quotes the mysterious conservative as saying this...

""This is just plain racism…In this case, [our opponents are] just right. Ann Coulter is being a stupid racist.""
    ...and this...
""It’s time we realize that she’s crossed a line and the more attention we give her without denouncing her stupidity just hurts us all.”"

    Knowles says (in response to the mystery person):

"First, let’s all realize that Ann Coulter is prone to making jokes and using hyperbole alongside her more important content. This is her way of making a point. Hyperbole and cutting remarks followed by her actual intended argument is one of her signatures. Yes, she’s a bomb-thrower. Like it or don’t like it, but understand it."
"...[W]hat Ann Coulter said was simply another rhetorical bomb, designed to get attention, and subsequently focus that attention on her main argument...

To call... what she said "racist," tells me that you’re not seeing the larger picture. You’re eschewing the context...

To say she "crossed a line" is about ten years too late. It’s what she does. I don’t always agree with Ann Coulter, but to cry racism in this instance is, to quote someone familiar, just stupid."

    Who is the mystery conservative? Most likely Soopermexican, who agrees with Ann on illegal immigration, but wrote (on Friday, July 3, 2015):

"This is just plain racism.

And I know what you’re feeling right now, it’s that twitch in your knee that wants to jerk to defend anyone assaulted by what we know is a news media with leftist sympathies. I have it too. But what should be stronger in all of us is the courage to uphold and defend the plain simple truth, even when it pains us to admit our opponents might be slightly right. Bastards that they are.

In this case, they’re just right. Ann Coulter is being a stupid racist." [Emphasis original.]
"It’s time we realize that she’s crossed a line and the more attention we give her without denouncing her stupidity just hurts us all."

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