Monday, July 13, 2015

Bob Guccione Jr., Son of Penthouse Founder, Claims to Have Dated Ann

    On Monday, July 13, 2015, The Daily Beast published an article by Lloyd Grove, who wrote about Bob Guccione Jr.

    Grove writes:
"In the late 1990s, Guccione even had a serious relationship with conservative firebrand Ann Coulter.

"It was shtick when I knew her," he says of his ex-girlfriend’s penchant for provoking liberals with outrageous remarks. "She became infatuated with her exploding celebrity, and really got caught up in that Republican heroine thing, and forgot that it was shtick."

To which Coulter retorts: "Guccione’s greatest achievements were creating Spin magazine in the ’80s and getting me to date him briefly in the ’90s. I see he’s still living off those aging laurels.""

     While Ann rarely speaks of her personal life, Guccione's Wikipedia article (no source), Ann's Wikipedia article (source is a dead link), and Zimbio (no source) all say that they were in a relationship, but there are no apparent pictures of them together and Ann does not seem to have commented on the claims.

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