Friday, September 25, 2015

Matt Lewis Complains about Ann Liking Smart People

    On Friday, September 25, 2015, the Week published Matt Lewis' piece, criticizing Ann for criticizing people who criticize Trump, Carson, and Fiorina, when those three are the smartest Republican nominees (with highest college education attainment). Lewis quotes Ann saying:
"Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Business... [Carson: Yale; Fiorina: Stanford.]

By contrast, look up the educational achievement of the average pundit sneering at Trump's idiocy and the ordinariness of his supporters. I won't be as nasty as they are, but wow! — people who went to bush league schools shouldn't throw stones. There's nothing wrong with attending a bush-league college. But maybe ease up... if you went to a third-rate college in the era of need-blind admissions." [Emphasis added.]
    So Ann says nothing is wrong with a bush-league college and Lewis writes...
"Ann Coulter's sneering at 'bush-league colleges' is unbecoming of a true conservative"
"In Ann Coulter's world, this seems to mean that I am not qualified to have an opinion about someone who graduated from Wharton."
...along with...
"The other big problem with Coulter's stance[:]... condescendingly dismissing the value of... 99 percent of the country. This is not only morally contemptuous and politically stupid — it's flat out wrong."

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