Saturday, September 5, 2015

Michael Smith Reviews ¡Adios America!

    On Saturday, September 5, 2015, Michael Smith released a blog post, reviewing ¡Adios America! The review is mostly positive, with only about two criticisms. Here they are:

""What do we owe the Third World?," she asks rhetorically. Plenty. Capital flows from the Third World to the First World, with the poor heavily subsidizing the rich both within nations and between nations."
    The Third World chooses to allow capital to move to the First World. We owe the Third World nothing.

    After explaining how Ann is not racist because her immigration policy would be based on culture, not race, Smith writes:
"Coulter's proposed solution to our immigration woes, however, IS racist. She wants us to imitate Israel [which is a state based on race/ethnicity.] This is OK, because settler colonialism by a master race of chosen people inevitably advances the human race:

"Without the white settlers, what is known as 'America' would still be an unnamed continent full of migratory tribes chasing the rear end of a buffalo every time their stomachs growled."

In short, Jews and Anglos have the capacity to rise and evolve; others do not. Racist? You bet. But this is a very bipartisan racism... which both Democrats and Republicans shout themselves hoarse in support of Israel's ongoing dispossession of the Palestinian people."

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