Monday, June 29, 2015

Sujeet Rajan Thinks Ann and Donald Trump Are Racist

    Sujeet Rajan of American Bazaar wrote, on Monday, June 29, 2015, mainly insults and flimsy remarks rather than hard facts about Ann or Donald Trump.
"The reason for Trump being fired: his comments which seem like a replica of what Coulter often says on air, or at least the intrinsic meaning being the same..."
"[NBC] will no longer air the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants that were part of a joint venture with Trump."
    Trump is so racist that Miss Universe (a Mexican), will continue working with Trump.

"...Ann Coulter should be banned..."
    Maybe Rajan should (though no one is advocating for that).

"...if NBC can... distance itself from the racially motivated hatred spewed by Trump, then why should other channels... tolerate similar poison spewed by Coulter? They should at least relegate her..."
    That's not nice of you.

"The fine Aryan specimen that she undoubtedly is...
    Rajan speaks of Ann like she is a perfect Aryan. Critics calling Ann a Nazi/Aryan is not uncommon, and it is definitely not a surprise coming from Rajan, who looks to be of Indian descent and has an Indian surname. Everyone knows India loves Hitler.

"...Coulter also let loose some lies and abhorrent racism against the governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, recently, terming her an "immigrant" who doesn’t know America’s history."
    Knowing someone is an immigrant is racist?

"The despicable Ann Coulter may need psychiatric help too if she really believes in the racist junk she unloads every other day. But the reality is people like Coulter is the reason why there is more hatred in America today, and incidents like the Charleston shootings happen."
    Is Rajan blaming Ann for the Charleston shooting?

    No more quotes are necessary from Rajan because the rest is just blathering (just like the quotes).

Ann Coulter Has Not "Fallen from Grace"

    Salon published a piece by Heather Digby Parton entitled "Ann Coulter has fallen from grace — and the reason why is terrifying" with the subtitle: "The right-wing hate-monger has fallen on hard times. This should be a cause for celebration -- but it's far from it." Parton's piece was published on Monday, June 29, 2015, at 7:59am EDT.

    Parton attempts to explain that no media outlet cares about Ann because of her supposed extremism and that the only people who care about Ann are her fans. Parton says the little media coverage Ann receives proves she has "fallen from grace."

    Since Ann is more popular than ever, then she has not fallen from grace. It does not matter if the MSM is afraid of her or not.

    Here are some quotes of Parton and why they make no sense:

"She was riding high, perhaps the most famous polemicist of her day, the scourge of liberals everywhere and the fantasy of young conservative men’s dreams. And then suddenly, she was nowhere."
    She was not suddenly "nowhere." Just less places. If anyone follows Ann closely, they will see how many places she has been in the past month (an average of 1.5~ appearances/interviews each day). Additionally, a simple news search will show you that Ann is talked about (or reported on) at least twice a day.

"She seems to think she’s being ignored because of her strong opposition to immigration."
    That's understandable, is it not? As she has said, she is a New York Times bestselling author, so why does the MSM ignore her?

"The question is whether or not there’s anyone left in the Republican Party who can... say something new to America."
    Ooh! That makes sense... not! Maybe if the MSM will listen to Ann, they'll hear something new. Headline reads: "Liberals Wonder Where New Conservative Solutions Are, Won't Ask Conservatives."

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Immigration Lawyer Goes to See Ann Speak

    The Indiana Gazette published a piece by Christine Flowers on Sunday, June 28, 2015 at 1:20am. Flowers claims to have seen Ann speak at the Colonial Theater in the suburb of Phoenixville (Pennsylvania implied). Flowers' article is entitled: "Commentary: Liberal women cannot put up with criticism." It is not really about Ann. It's more about Republican women being able to laugh at self-deprecating jokes that liberal women would be offended by.

    Here are some quotes of Flowers:

    On speaking to Ann:
"...I said "I’m probably the only immigration lawyer in America who likes you." And God bless her, [Ann] laughed heartily and said she just wanted to make my job easier (I’m still trying to figure that one out)."

    On liberal women's ultra-PC sensitivity that conservative women lack:
"...[Y]ou cannot tell a liberal woman to shut up without her filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Ann Coulter would just keep talking."
    (It is unclear if Flowers intended this as an insult.)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Annie Lowrey Lies (and Makes Ridiculous Comments) about Ann

    New York Magazine published (on Thursday, June 25, 2015, at 8:00am) Annie Lowrey's piece entitled, "Ann Coulter Wants to Know Why She Doesn’t Make You Mad Anymore." (The link and tab have alternative titles.)

    Lies cannot be excused in journalism, even when attempting to use "clickbait" to get people to see what the story is. The title is a lie. Now, what else does Lowrey have to say to look less credible?

"...[Ann's book is] one immaculately designed to piss off half of America..."
    Immaculate means: completely pure/clean, or lacking error/defect. Lowrey was probably saying in private, "Ann is so racist and writes the most fact-checked, clean, and perfect books." Wait a sec...? What? What is Lowrey trying to say?

"...[Some] questionable assertions contained within are that Americans have more to fear from Mexicans than ISIS..."
    Lowrey, why question those "assertions"? Just look up the facts and tell your readers if Ann is lying or not. The facts don't back you up? Then you better use phrasing that is designed to mislead while avoiding absolute lies.

"It has long been obvious that [Ann's] provocation is deliberate, and the persona at least in part an act."
    Whose isn't?

    In conclusion, Lowrey says:
"...Coulter has found herself struggling to... provoke the mainstream media or the left. Bloggers have left her alone. Twitter has left her alone. The networks have left her alone."
    Then finishes with:
"...[Ann] referred to Nikki Haley, South Carolina's governor, as "an immigrant"... [and then] got raked across the internet's coals."
    So, no one is paying attention to Ann, but everyone is? Lowrey, please.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

9 Quotes That Don't Prove Ann Hates Latinos

    On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, the Flama published Henry Pacheco's unintelligent comments on certain quotes of Ann speaking about Mexicans and Hispanics (in none of the quotes does she say "Latinos"). The "article" was entitled: "9 Quotes That Prove Ann Coulter Hates Latinos." Pacheco complains that Ann hates Latinos, but does not actually give any real reasons or facts to back up the claim. Not to mention that none of the quotes are cited.

    Seriously, through all of Pacheco's name-calling and saying that Ann is racist, Pacheco is the racist. The article's first paragraph says:

"[Latinos] are the face of America, and if you don't like it, there's the door."
    Not only is this comment illogical, untrue, and misleading, it is also more blatantly racist than anything Ann has ever said. Ann never said something paralleling, "White people are the face of America, and if you don't like it, there's the door." Either way, whites (being more numerous and having a longer history in America than Hispanics) have more legitimacy in saying this than Pacheco has saying the sentence, but with Latinos.

    The Flama describes itself like this:
"Flama is a digital network created by, for and starring young Latinos... [We desire to] bring awareness to issues affecting our heritage and lives. We aim to capture and celebrate the Latino spirit."
    Why would a website so focused on "heritage" and "[celebrating] the Latino spirit" publish something so racist and libelous?

    For more of Pacheco's racism, read this article.

Widespread Backlash to Ann's Comments on Kennedy

    Ann visited Kennedy recently and said that Nikki Haley is an immigrant.

    Since Haley was born in America, Ann later clarified with a tweet:

    Greta Van Susteren said on Wednesday, June 24, 2015, at 5:36pm, that Ann's comments on Nikki Haley were

"...wrong, reckless and nasty."
    Please explain the "nasty" part, Susteren. Thinking someone doesn't know history? Thinking someone is an immigrant? Neither fits the "nasty" bill.

    Politifact rated Ann's claim as "Pants on Fire," but refuses to consider Ann's explanation.

    Aaron Goldstein said:
"Ann Coulter should own up to her mistake and apologize to Haley... It would just be the decent thing to do..."
    1. Say someone is an immigrant. 2. Take a "rudeness test." 3. See results that say, "Zero rudeness."

    Adam B. Lerner reports that:
"The head of a top Indian-American advocacy group on Wednesday condemned Ann Coulter’s comments that South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley doesn’t understand America because she’s “an immigrant” with roots in India...

He said that the comments are offensive for "presuming that immigrants don’t understand American history.""
    Liberals babble on and on about how great the public school system is, so shouldn't Americans know more about American history than people who immigrated here one year ago?

    Soopermexican (most likely) joked:
"Ann Coulter just about invalidated all her arguments and her entire existence when she... said just about the stupidest thing you could say about Nikki Haley...

WOW. What’s the worse possibility – that Ann Coulter called Nikki Haley an immigrant when she was born in South Carolina by accident, or that she did it on purpose to get attention?"
    Nothing to say here.

    The Wikipedia article entitled "Immigrant generations" begins with:

"The term first-generation can refer to either people who were born in one country and relocated to another, or to their children born in the country they have relocated to. The term second-generation refers to children of first-generation immigrants, and thus exhibits the same ambiguity." [Emphasis added.]
    There is no consensus on what immigrant, whether first or second generation, means, so no one can say Ann was wrong.

    Don't forget that there is such popularity in the phrase "second-generation immigrant" that it has its own Wikipedia article. Here's a quote from the second paragraph:
"Second generation immigrants are U.S. citizens by birth."
     So wait. Even Americans who did not immigrate can still be considered immigrants.

    That settles it.

    Additionally, liberals say immigrants are good for the economy, are hard-working, and generally all-around good. Why are they so offended when someone is called an immigrant? It's like they think being an immigrant is a disease or something.

    According to liberals we are all immigrants and we are a nation of immigrants, but Nikki Haley isn't an immigrant.

UPDATE: About seven months later, Haley gave a response to Obama's SOTU address. Ann tweeted:

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Nathan Evans Reviewed ¡Adios America!

    Nathan Evans wrote a review of ¡Adios America! that was published on Popzara on Tuesday, June 23, 2015.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Another One of Ann's Critics Bites the Dust

    The Daily Banter released Ben Cohen's rant about Ann on Monday, June 22, 2015. It is about Ann's recent interview/debate with Bill Maher. Like a typical liberal, Cohen resorts to wild, personal attacks.

    Here are some quotes of Cohen that are so ridiculous that it seems like Cohen never even watched the debate:

"After launching a ludicrous diatribe against immigrants who are apparently doing nothing more than raping Americans, stealing social security cards and turning America into a third world nation, Maher, Gutiérrez and Reid came back at her with hard facts to expose her ranting as complete gibberish."
    They "came back at [Ann] with hard facts to expose her..." Well, what are those "facts"? Why doesn't Cohen give the reader an example? Maybe it's because there are no "hard facts" given by anyone besides Ann. Did Cohen even watch the debate?

"The fact that no one raised their voice..."
    Need you read more? Voices were raised. Did Cohen even watch the debate?

"The panel essential [sic] treated Coulter as a freak show exhibit, unworthy of engaging with in a serious way,  and only to be talked about as if she wasn’t actually real."
    That did not happen, but if Cohen admits it did, then that just proves liberals cannot engage with people seriously. Did Cohen even watch the debate?

"...[watching] Coulter, who is self aware enough to understand when she isn't being taken seriously, [made] the segment all the more entertaining."
    Liberals cannot take seriousness seriously, and they once again revert to things that are "entertaining" rather than factual.

"...Gutiérrez and Reid... represent the actual reality of America’s diversity."
    This implies Ann does not represent America racially. 60%+ of America is white. 30%- of America is black and Hispanic. The math says Ann represents America more (in the racial sense) than Gutiérrez and Reid.

"If the choice wasn’t obvious before, Coulter quite brilliantly made it that much clearer."
    Cohen finally takes Ann's side! Oh, wait. This quote is taken out of context. Too bad.

    The answer to the question asked three times is: Cohen most likely did not watch the debate. (If Cohen did, that just proves all the more how unintelligent Cohen is.)

Ann Has Good Electoral Math...

...but not according to Bill Scher, who wrote this piece published on Real Clear Politics on Monday, June 22, 2015. Scher says:

"Is Coulter correct? Working-class whites swing? Latinos don’t swing? Nobody else swings? Let’s check the numbers."
"[Democrats won Latinos in] each of the past four presidential elections... But the spread varied widely." [Scher proceeds to show stats.]
    Scher then shows that whites voted Republican, but that their votes did not swing much.

    Is Scher trying to destroy Ann's argument against immigration by picking out a single claim (that is a very narrow claim)? Okay... Latinos are focused mainly in California, Texas, New York, and Florida. Of those, only Florida is a swing state. Notice: Americans of Cuban descent (who are Republicans) are mainly concentrated in Florida.

    Moving on.

    Scher says...
"However, neither the Latino nor the white working class demographics qualify for what we typically consider a swing vote..."
    ...but then claims the Catholic vote is the swing vote.

    That awkward moment when Hispanics are 3~ times more likely to be Catholic than the rest of Americans. Someone who supposedly knows so much about demographics missed this obvious fact?

    Scher ends with:
"Republicans will eventually [accept] immigration, because the electoral math demands it and Ann Coulter’s numbers don’t add up. The only question is, do Republicans have to lose [another election] before they accept mathematical reality?"

    Scher needs to just think:

A. Hispanics are focused in three states that are not swing states, so no Hispandering will make a difference.

B. Whites are the majority in every state except California, Hawaii, Texas, and New Mexico. (And even in those states whites vote at higher rates.)

C. Scher thinks we need to focus on Latino voters, but "focusing on voters" isn't even Ann's main point. The bottom line is that any immigration is making it harder for Republicans to win.

D. Blacks are concentrated in the south, which votes Republican.

E. Reread A and D and put them together, which equals this:

    1. Appealing to Hispanics where they are concentrated will make no difference because those states are solid Republican or solid Democrat.

    2. Appealing to Hispanics in states with little Hispanic populations won't change anything because they make up a little portion of the population.

    3. Appealing to blacks where they are concentrated will make no difference because those states are solid Republican.

    4. Appealing to blacks in states with little black populations won't change anything because they make up a little portion of the population.

Virgil Goode Reviews ¡Adios America! and Explains Which Congressmen Are Trying to Limit Immigration

    The Daily Caller published a review of ¡Adios America! (split into 2 pages) by Virgil Goode on Monday, June 22, 2015, at 2:27pm.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Wes Vernon Writes Review of ¡Adios America!

    On Sunday, June 21, 2015, the Washington Times published Wes Vernon's review of ¡Adios America!

Atheist Venezuelan, Elías Sosa, "Agrees" with Ann on Immigration

    Elías Sosa, posted a video on Sunday, June 21, 2015, on Youtube in voice of support for Ann.

    Sosa agrees that only helpful people should be allowed into a country. Sosa "agrees" with Ann, yet does not seem to understand that Ann wants all illegals gone. Sosa seems to support amnesty, but does not support more illegal immigration. Sosa says Ann had previously said racist and homophobic things, but Sosa agrees with her on only bringing in the crème de la crème.

    Sosa does not agree with Donald Trump's recent remarks (which Ann defended), but Sosa does not think Trump is racist. Sosa thinks Ann's current talking points are not racist because if poor Canadian immigrants had the Mexican culture, Sosa believes Ann would oppose them too.

    The video is embedded below.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Heather Embarrasses Herself, Her Publisher, and Her Party

    Crooks and Liars (the name explains itself) published "Heather's" piece on Ann on Friday, June 19, 2015, at 8:43pm or 9:17pm (they can't make up their mind, see for yourself).

    Here are some ridiculous quotes of Heather and why they make no sense:

"I haven't read Coulter's book and have no intention of doing so now or ever, but Right Wing Watch took her apart for her appearance discussing the book... And Media Matters took the book apart...

After reading both articles, I'd say Maher went easy on her."
    Even when Maher fails at "defeating" Ann during her appearance on his show (to be fair he was basically just the moderator), liberals still say "...Maher went easy on her." They cannot even admit failure. Additionally, Heather says Right Wing Watch and Media Matters "took [Ann] apart" and "took the book apart," respectively, but anyone who read the "articles" would see that they, in fact, did not. (Go to Heather's piece to find the links for the two articles if you would like.)

"MSNBC's Joy Reid did an excellent job talking about her own experience having first generation immigrant parents and the fact that she is fully American..."
    Joy Reid did an excellent job talking about her own experience? Guess what. Ann asked Reid if America should take the best immigrants possible. Reid responded by "talking about her own experience." That is not an "excellent job."

"...[Reid] whacked Coulter for siding with the likes of big agriculture and big business, who want that cheap labor and for taking advantage of what should be called slave labor in America."
    The response to this was best put by soopermexican of The Right Scoop:
"... [Reid] talked about how immigration is "slavery," but somehow still supports that slavery."

    Heather finishes with:
"Coulter [claimed] that she goes after Republicans harder than she does Democrats in her book, which had Maher asking her why it was only liberals and the left she was attacking in the title. Her excuse for that one was that there wasn't enough room to name everyone she had issues with.

Maher's audience wasn't buying her snake oil. Why he keeps bringing her back to troll them is beyond me."
    Heather's ignorance is baffling. Ann repeatedly said (speaking with mostly conservative news outlets that she shouldn't need to supposedly lie to like Heather thinks Ann lied to Maher) that rich Republicans are just as bad. Just look at this interview at minute 7, this interview at minute 43, this interview at minute 3, this interview at minute 9, this excerpt, this speech (the second and third quotes), and this interview at minute 33.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

American Renaissance Writer Hails ¡Adios America! as "A Monument to Common Sense"

    Jared Taylor of American Renaissance released a lengthy review of ¡Adios America! on Tuesday, June 16, 2015. It is called "¡Adios, America!: Coulter’s Call for Immigration Sanity."

    Jimmy LaSalvia brought it to Ann's attention:

    Ann replied with:

    Here are some quotes from Taylor's review:

"The news is full of immigration stories disguised as worry about Americans: poor children, fat children, teen pregnancy, dropouts, income inequality, Medicare fraud, identity theft, child rape, sex trafficking, prison overcrowding, "homegrown" terrorism, drug-resistant TB, etc. Miss Coulter points out that immigrants bring us these things, but to point that out is "racist.""
"Miss Coulter begins by pointing out that the United States is not an idea, but an actual country with a founding stock. She quotes Richard Brookhiser: "The WASP character is the American character . . . . Without the WASP it would be another country altogether." She also notes that "two centuries after the first Europeans settled America, the white population was 80 percent British and 98 percent Protestant." She continues:

The British Empire spread Anglo-Saxon culture around the globe–Protestant morals, individualism, the rule of law. Most British colonies rejected those values. Only the ones populated by actual British people–America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand–managed to hold on to them and, as a result, prospered."
"Back when newcomers were white we were allowed to ask them adopt our ways, but no longer. Miss Coulter reminds us of Dong Lu Chen, who beat his cheating wife to death with a claw hammer. He got off with probation because a judge was made to understand how much the Chinese hate being cuckolded. The head of the Asian-American Defense and Education Fund–a woman–said that a prison term would be wrong because it would "promote the idea that when people come to America they have to give up their way of doing things. That is an idea we cannot support.""
"...Miss Coulter has noticed that men who rape their 11-year-old nieces or 8-year-old stepdaughters are almost always Hispanic. They grew up with different ideas: The age of consent in Mexico is 12 in all but one Mexican state and 14 in the other. Miss Coulter also notes that since 1990 there have been 53 verified cases of girls age 10 and under giving birth in Latin America–and probably plenty more in the wilds of Bolivia and Honduras. By contrast, there have been only eight such cases in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all of Western Europe combined. In seven of those cases, the father was an immigrant."
"It could save a lot of soul-searching about ‘our’ violent culture if journalists didn’t hide the fact that gang rapes are generally committed by people who are not from our culture."
"Miss Coulter reminds us how much Robert Putnam of Harvard squirmed when his data showed that diversity kills community trust. In his study of various cities, San Francisco came in dead last in social capital. "This is one problem you can’t blame on blacks," writes Miss Coulter; "that city is 42 percent white, 33 percent Asian, 15 percent Hispanic, 6 percent black . . . .""
"There is a simple GOP route to victory:

By unapologetically opposing the transformation of America into a Third World country, the GOP would sweep the white vote–once white people recovered from the shock of any candidate asking for their vote. Why should Republicans be ashamed of getting white votes? How about the party work on getting more of them? . . . Any party incapable of winning the vote of white men ought to hang its head in shame. Democrats denounce and abuse white people, and Republicans act embarrassed about having whites vote for them."

Daniel Greenfield Reviews ¡Adios America!

    On Tuesday, June 16, 2015, Daniel Greenfield reviewed Ann's new book. The review was published by FrontPage Mag.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Ring of Fire Writer Lacks Common Sense

    On Sunday, June 14, 2015, Justin Lane wrote this stub for Ring of Fire. Too bad there wasn't any actual knowledge to be gained from reading it.

    1: The link says "anne-coulter." It is understandable that people make typos, but it is unacceptable to notice them (which Lane did) and just leave them there (especially for a "professional" website).

"It’s hard to understand how so many backward viewpoints could live inside of one person."
    Well, we all understand that Lane is that one person.

"Ann Coulter beats the odds by espousing more bigoted stances than most would think possible."
    Liberals think that racism is everywhere and all white people hold bigoted stances, but now one is saying that it is hard to believe that a person is "bigoted."

    4: Lane is surprised that Ann said women should not vote. That's old news. Ann said that years ago (and the majority of her fans most likely consider it a running gag). It's something she joked about once, and then decided to "adopt" because it irked liberals so much and (as proven) wouldn't get old and still won't stop irking liberals.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Latin Times Writer Reports Ann's Visit to the Metropolitan Republican Club , NY

    Cedar Attanasio reports for the Latin Times Ann's visit to the Metropolitan Republican Club.
The article was published on Wednesday, June 10, 2015, at 11:19am EDT.

    Here is a quote:

"Still, she stressed that she’s not against any racial group of Americans, just immigrants. Then she cites a statistic like this "In Denmark, actual Danes come in 10th in the nationality most likely to be in prison."... "Tenth! Why are you doing this to yourself? It’s as if a country decided ‘oh we’re too pure and white-bread; everybody tie off a vein and let’s give ourselves a shot of Hep-C.""
    Attanasio thinks Ann is saying that she's not racist, but then states something racist. This isn't true. Anyone can see that if a native group of a country has virtually no crime, they shouldn't bring in people from countries with higher crime.

¡Adios America! is #1 on the Conservative Bestseller List

    On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, at 5:31pm, Paul Bedard reports for Washington Examiner that Ann's new book is #1 on the Conservative Bestseller List.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Farron Cousins Thinks "Driving Up the White Vote" Is a Racist Strategy

    Ring of Fire Radio published a piece by Farron Cousins on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. It is about how "racist" Ann and the GOP are if they focus on the white vote. The only problem with the article is that there is no mention of when Obama said the Democrats needed to focus on blacks and Latinos for votes. That wasn't a racist strategy, but focusing on the white vote is?

The SPLC Released a List Of "Anti-Muslim Radical" Women

    Ann takes 3rd place (not actual "places" are given) on the new list published by the SPLC's Hatewatch blog on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. It was written by Mark Potok and Janet Smith with illustrations of all of the women by Zé Otavio. There is one short summary (per woman) on why they are "anti-Muslim." Here are 10 of the illustrations:

    UPDATE: On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, Chelsea Schilling reported for WND that:

"Upon learning of her inclusion on SPLC’s newest list, columnist and prolific author Ann Coulter was delighted.

"It’s an honor just to be nominated for the SPLC’s list of conservative women who speak out against radical Islam!" Coulter told WND."

    Schilling also wrote:

"Nor did Coulter express alarm at SPLC’s inclusion of her name on the list.

"I think I’m already a ‘person of interest’ to radical jihadists," she told WND."

    UPDATE: Here's audio of Ann expressing happiness about being on the list (minutes 1-2).

Carlos Slim Says Ann's Claims about Him Are "Nonsense"

    On Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at 3:20pm, Dolia Estevez reported for Forbes that Carlos Slim claims Ann is making false statements about him when she said he had bought off the New York Times, is making billions off of Mexicans who live in America, etc.

Ann Shares Review from a Fan

On Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at 3:44pm, Ann posted this on facebook:

BOOK REVIEW! Turn Your World Upside Down ... - [Email to Talk Radio's Lars Larson today] Lars,I am not a book...
Posted by Ann Coulter on Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Scott Eric Kaufman Says, "8 statements that prove Ann Coulter has become pathetically desperate for liberals’ attention"

    On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 12:20pm EDT, Salon published an "article" that should be entitled, "8 times that Scott Eric Kaufman has heard undeniable truth, but remains pathetically unintelligent (and shouldn't vote)."

    Kaufman pointed out 8 truthful quotes of Ann and tried to explain what was wrong with them. (Nothing.)

    One quote was Ann saying immigrants should not be overweight. Kaufman (who looks overweight in his picture) apparently thinks that America (#2 country in the world by obesity rate, depending on who you ask) should have more obese people.

Conan O'Brien Jokes That Ann Is Really a Man

    Kristine Marsh reports that the following exchange occurred on Conan with Andy Richter on Monday, June 8, 2015:

"RICHTER:"Whom do you think will win the Republican presidential nomination?"

CONAN: "A white guy!"

RICHTER: "Why are conservatives so reluctant to call Caitlyn Jenner, a woman?

CONAN: "Cuz they were already burned once by Ann Coulter!""

Ann Speaks Truth, Hrafnkell Haraldsson Freaks Out Again

    On Tuesday, June 9, 2015, 7:55am, PoliticusUSA released Hrafnkell Haraldsson's article about Ann saying immigrants will rape young girls. Haraldsson explains that Americans are the real rapists while he lives in a fantasy land where rape doesn't exist in the Third World. Haraldsson's penultimate paragraph is:

"The saddest part is thinking about all the Tea Partiers at home, huddled beneath their swastika flags with AR-15s across their knees, as Grandpa Billy Bob reads from Coulter’s book and tears for their lost white paradise slide down their cheeks to pool on the covers of their unread Bibles."

     How are people actually hired to write lies about public figures and make up fantasies like this (and actually get paid)? If this paragraph is a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously, remember all the times Ann makes jokes or uses hyperbolas and the left loses their minds.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Judd Apatow Wants Ann to Write His Biography

    The New York Times published a piece on Monday, June 8, 2015. It was an interview of Judd Apatow (he worked on AnchormanFun with Dick and Jane, Talladega Nights, and more). He was asked about what person he thought should write his biography. He answered:

"Ann Coulter. I just feel like she would come at it from an interesting angle."

UPDATE: Ann (apparently) finds out on June 15, a whole week later:

Mallory Millett Gives Great Review of Ann's Interview with Jorge Ramos

    American Thinker published Mallory Millett's piece on Monday, June 8, 2015. It is a review of Ann's May 26, 2015, interview with Jorge Ramos. It is long, yet details as concise as possible the 31+ minute interview while giving insight of reactions and adding additional facts.

    In the following quotes, "she" refers to Ann.

    Here are some quotes of Millett:

    On what the audience thought at the beginning of the interview:
"She was wrong because she was too white.  An honest ear and open heart would not be coming from Ramos’ audience to her.  No mercy for white people!  Plug your ears and sing, "la, la, la, la, la, la, la" because anyone that white must be bad and should never be heard.  She's too white not to be a racist; too white to deserve belief."

"One point she made clear is that if an immigrant flees a Third World dump, the last thing he wants is to watch his country of sanctuary become the place he escaped."
"Ramos introduced Ann as someone "who doesn't want immigration reform"... (Newspeak for "This is a bad person")


Ann most definitely demands immigration reform -- total reform: shut down the agency; a triple fence on the border; no one coming in, even legally, for a decade; complete overhaul of the laws.  Now, that would be honest-to-gosh real reform."
""You're [Ramos] the one discriminating against the poor Bangladeshis who would love to come here but they cannot walk across the border.  Why do you discriminate against them?  It is not humanitarian. It is not diversity.  It's just changing our culture into Mexico without checking with the American people."

We are a people who rue past slavery so why would we import a layer of second-class workers? No, as usual, the Democrats, feigning "compassion," persist in creating a proto-slavery with high numbers of second-class virtual slaves undercutting citizen workers who dare to ask an honorable wage."
"I used to live in Asia and without a trace of exaggeration can tell you that every single person, from 6 to 65, whom I met... every single one was brimming with visions of America somewhere in their near or distant futures.  I was very young and charmed and happy so many people admired us.  Except that after a few years charm had turned to alarm!

By the time I returned to the States it was full-blown panic.  I wanted to run up and down streets, boulevards and avenues screaming, Paul Revere style,  "Everyone in the world is coming... batten down the hatches... they're all on their way!!"  Letting this happen is an unsustainable plan and seriously lacking in wisdom."
"Ann's last remark to Jorge Ramos was, "You're a cultural imperialist!!""

Slander: Ben Norton of CounterPunch Calls Ann Racist and Fascist

    CounterPunch published Ben Norton's piece as the "Weekend Edition June 5-7, 2015."

    Here are some of Norton's claims and why they make no sense:

"Ann Coulter [is] now saying all immigrants are bad. This is a fundamental tenet of fascist ideology. The US Right is moving toward fascism... literal fascism."
    Norton goes on with a quote from the Nazis saying immigrants are not allowed in Germany. Well, 1: Ann said we could have immigrants after 10 years, and 2: The Nazis wanted people to focus on collectivism (like Democrats), not individualism (like Republicans). After all, the Nazis are Socialists (like Bernie Sanders).

"The flippant racist title exactly conveys what it is about: the supposed "destruction" of the US by scary brown immigrants. The all-white cover of the book, accompanied by her "Aryan" visage, punctuated by a nails-on-the-chalkboard terrifying upside-down exclamation point (stop being so "backward"!), is the visual semiotic equivalent of her message."
    3: A Spanish title is racist? 4: All white book cover? It includes red and blue lettering, ergo: red, white, and blue. 5: Terrifying upside-down exclamation point? ¿What's your point?

"Ann Coulter is the US equivalent of France’s Marine Le Pen, the leader of a growing neo-fascist movement (founded by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, a Holocaust denier) that got a shocking 25% of the vote in France’s March 2015 elections."
    6: Le Pen said (English version) herself that Obama is farther to the right than she is. 7: Obama did not recognize the Armenian genocide and would probably deny the Holocaust if it happened today, especially given the light shed on what is happening in the Middle East right now, with the Yazidi genocide (among other genocides) that Obama is not stopping.

"The irony in all of this, of course, is that the very people espousing these racist views and claiming all immigrants are bad are themselves white immigrants—descendants of settler colonialists who massacred and ethnically cleansed the indigenous population in what we today call the Americas."
    8: Immigrant does not equal descendant of a settler. 9: Two wrongs make a right? You are saying white immigrants are colonialist murderers, but modern immigrants making American whites a minority are just loving immigrants? Note: More Native Americans killed Native Americans than whites killed Native Americans, and you're saying it's only wrong when whites do it.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hrafnkell Haraldssonmore Freaks Out Over Ann's "Demographic Engineering"

    Hrafnkell Haraldssonmore of PoliticusUSA released a piece on Sunday, June 7, 2015, at 7:59am to complain about Ann not wanting wheelchair-bound, blind, or overweight people to immigrate to America.

    Haraldssonmore fails to give a reason (besides the "huddling masses" myth) against America letting in only the best and brightest.

    Haraldssonmore says Ann is engaging in "demographic engineering," but isn't making white Americans a minority an even bigger example of "demographic engineering"?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Matthew Boyle Writes a Piece on ¡Adios America!

    On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, Matthew Boyle wrote a piece entitled "Adios, Marco: Ann Coulter's New Book Shreds Rubio Credibility."

American of Mexican Descent Gives Thoughts on Ann

    Blogger/vlogger Patricia, who is of Mexican descent and has some relatives who are illegals, posted a video (on Wednesday, June 3, 2015, (Patricia says it was filmed on June 1,)) about Ann's interview with Jorge Ramos and immigration. It is almost 30 minutes, has many clips from the Ramos interview, and can be watched below.

        If you do not have time to listen to the almost 29 minutes, here is what Patricia talked about:

Minute 0: Introduction.
Minute 1: Patricia loves Ann.
Minutes 2-3: The Ramos interview.
Minute 4: Culture, bribery, honor killings.
Minute 5: Whites becoming a minority.
Minute 6: Mexicans make up 30% of immigrants, which is not diversity in immigration.
Minute 7: Clip from Ramos interview.
Minute 8: Why aren't poor Ethiopians let into America like poor Mexicans?
Minute 9: Ramos interview clip.
Minutes 9-10: Bringing different cultures to America is not good.
Minute 11: Ramos interview clip.
Minutes 12-13: Immigrants vs. settlers.
Minute 13: The Q&A session with Ramos.
Minutes 14-15: Citizenship tests not in English.
Minute 15: Ramos clip of Q&A where woman asks about the children suffering by deporting illegals.
Minute 16: Patricia agrees that people who intentionally break the law (illegally immigrate) need to be prepared for the consequences.
Minutes 17-18: Ramos clip of Q&A with Gaby Pacheco's question about free and hate speech.
Minutes 18-19: Ann believes she speaks truth and fact, so Ann most likely does not engage in hate speech.
Minutes 19-20: Ramos clip of Q&A about voting for Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz based on ethnicity.
Minute 21: Democrats push for amnesty for votes.
Minutes 21-23: Voting based on race.
Minutes 23-25: Ramos clip of Republicans winning whites, losing minorities, taking in 1/4 of the Mexican population, and changing demographics.
Minute 25: Both Republicans and Democrats are causing the immigration problems.
Minute 26: Immigrants causing strains on education and healthcare.
Minute 27: The middle class funding assistance programs for 11-30 million immigrants.
Minute 28: Close.

Matthew Pulver of Salon Says Ann Is a Hate-monger

    On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, Matthew Pulver released a piece entitled "Ann Coulter’s spiritual predecessor: How the virulent nativism of Father Coughlin found a new home in right-wing media." Unfortunately, Pulver has no response to Ann's arguments on immigration, except to say that Ann is a hate-monger and racist.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Politifact Calls Ann a Liar When She Said 1/4 of Mexico Is in America

    After Ann said (during this interview) that America has taken in one quarter of Mexico's population, Joe Greenberg (writing for Politifact) said Ann's claim was false.

    Greenberg explained that Americans of Mexican descent are not the same as immigrants, but Ann wasn't even talking about that. She was talking about the 30+ million illegal immigrants. Greenberg/Politifact said, that according to the Pew Research Center, there are only 11+ million illegal immigrants in America.

    Ann had already addressed the fact that Pew had gotten the numbers from the Census, which was wrong. Here is basically (not actually) what happened:

    Ann: The Census says 11 million, but it's wrong. There's really 30 million.

    Greenberg/Politifact: Well, according to Pew, it's 11.

    Ann: Pew got the numbers from the Census.

    Greenberg/Politifact: Aha! That's proof you're wrong!

UPDATE: VDARE published James Fulford's piece (on Thursday, June 11, 2015, at 8:19pm) that gives another perspective on the topic. Politifact said most "Mexican-Americans" are US citizens who have never been to Mexico, hence the US cannot have taken in 25% of Mexico's population. Fulford looks at it this way:

"But they are Mexican. They say they’re Mexican, and the Government of Mexico thinks they’re Mexican. Many of the Mexicans born in the US are born to Mexican parents who are citizens of Mexico, and they can go to Mexico and claim citizenship there if they want."

Nicholas Stix Writes Extensive Review of ¡Adios America!

    Nicholas Stix wrote a review for ¡Adios America! and it can be found on VDARE.

Phyllis Schlafly Gives Awesome Review of ¡Adios America!

    Phyllis Schlafly wrote an amazing review of ¡Adios America! and it can be found on WND, Eagle Forum, Christian Post, or Investors.