Thursday, June 25, 2015

Annie Lowrey Lies (and Makes Ridiculous Comments) about Ann

    New York Magazine published (on Thursday, June 25, 2015, at 8:00am) Annie Lowrey's piece entitled, "Ann Coulter Wants to Know Why She Doesn’t Make You Mad Anymore." (The link and tab have alternative titles.)

    Lies cannot be excused in journalism, even when attempting to use "clickbait" to get people to see what the story is. The title is a lie. Now, what else does Lowrey have to say to look less credible?

"...[Ann's book is] one immaculately designed to piss off half of America..."
    Immaculate means: completely pure/clean, or lacking error/defect. Lowrey was probably saying in private, "Ann is so racist and writes the most fact-checked, clean, and perfect books." Wait a sec...? What? What is Lowrey trying to say?

"...[Some] questionable assertions contained within are that Americans have more to fear from Mexicans than ISIS..."
    Lowrey, why question those "assertions"? Just look up the facts and tell your readers if Ann is lying or not. The facts don't back you up? Then you better use phrasing that is designed to mislead while avoiding absolute lies.

"It has long been obvious that [Ann's] provocation is deliberate, and the persona at least in part an act."
    Whose isn't?

    In conclusion, Lowrey says:
"...Coulter has found herself struggling to... provoke the mainstream media or the left. Bloggers have left her alone. Twitter has left her alone. The networks have left her alone."
    Then finishes with:
"...[Ann] referred to Nikki Haley, South Carolina's governor, as "an immigrant"... [and then] got raked across the internet's coals."
    So, no one is paying attention to Ann, but everyone is? Lowrey, please.

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