Here are some of Norton's claims and why they make no sense:
"Ann Coulter [is] now saying all immigrants are bad. This is a fundamental tenet of fascist ideology. The US Right is moving toward fascism... literal fascism."Norton goes on with a quote from the Nazis saying immigrants are not allowed in Germany. Well, 1: Ann said we could have immigrants after 10 years, and 2: The Nazis wanted people to focus on collectivism (like Democrats), not individualism (like Republicans). After all, the Nazis are Socialists (like Bernie Sanders).
"The flippant racist title exactly conveys what it is about: the supposed "destruction" of the US by scary brown immigrants. The all-white cover of the book, accompanied by her "Aryan" visage, punctuated by a nails-on-the-chalkboard terrifying upside-down exclamation point (stop being so "backward"!), is the visual semiotic equivalent of her message."3: A Spanish title is racist? 4: All white book cover? It includes red and blue lettering, ergo: red, white, and blue. 5: Terrifying upside-down exclamation point? ¿What's your point?
"Ann Coulter is the US equivalent of France’s Marine Le Pen, the leader of a growing neo-fascist movement (founded by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, a Holocaust denier) that got a shocking 25% of the vote in France’s March 2015 elections."6: Le Pen said (English version) herself that Obama is farther to the right than she is. 7: Obama did not recognize the Armenian genocide and would probably deny the Holocaust if it happened today, especially given the light shed on what is happening in the Middle East right now, with the Yazidi genocide (among other genocides) that Obama is not stopping.
"The irony in all of this, of course, is that the very people espousing these racist views and claiming all immigrants are bad are themselves white immigrants—descendants of settler colonialists who massacred and ethnically cleansed the indigenous population in what we today call the Americas."8: Immigrant does not equal descendant of a settler. 9: Two wrongs make a right? You are saying white immigrants are colonialist murderers, but modern immigrants making American whites a minority are just loving immigrants? Note: More Native Americans killed Native Americans than whites killed Native Americans, and you're saying it's only wrong when whites do it.
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