Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Latin Times Writer Reports Ann's Visit to the Metropolitan Republican Club , NY

    Cedar Attanasio reports for the Latin Times Ann's visit to the Metropolitan Republican Club.
The article was published on Wednesday, June 10, 2015, at 11:19am EDT.

    Here is a quote:

"Still, she stressed that she’s not against any racial group of Americans, just immigrants. Then she cites a statistic like this "In Denmark, actual Danes come in 10th in the nationality most likely to be in prison."... "Tenth! Why are you doing this to yourself? It’s as if a country decided ‘oh we’re too pure and white-bread; everybody tie off a vein and let’s give ourselves a shot of Hep-C.""
    Attanasio thinks Ann is saying that she's not racist, but then states something racist. This isn't true. Anyone can see that if a native group of a country has virtually no crime, they shouldn't bring in people from countries with higher crime.

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