Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The SPLC Released a List Of "Anti-Muslim Radical" Women

    Ann takes 3rd place (not actual "places" are given) on the new list published by the SPLC's Hatewatch blog on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. It was written by Mark Potok and Janet Smith with illustrations of all of the women by Zé Otavio. There is one short summary (per woman) on why they are "anti-Muslim." Here are 10 of the illustrations:

    UPDATE: On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, Chelsea Schilling reported for WND that:

"Upon learning of her inclusion on SPLC’s newest list, columnist and prolific author Ann Coulter was delighted.

"It’s an honor just to be nominated for the SPLC’s list of conservative women who speak out against radical Islam!" Coulter told WND."

    Schilling also wrote:

"Nor did Coulter express alarm at SPLC’s inclusion of her name on the list.

"I think I’m already a ‘person of interest’ to radical jihadists," she told WND."

    UPDATE: Here's audio of Ann expressing happiness about being on the list (minutes 1-2).

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