Friday, June 19, 2015

Heather Embarrasses Herself, Her Publisher, and Her Party

    Crooks and Liars (the name explains itself) published "Heather's" piece on Ann on Friday, June 19, 2015, at 8:43pm or 9:17pm (they can't make up their mind, see for yourself).

    Here are some ridiculous quotes of Heather and why they make no sense:

"I haven't read Coulter's book and have no intention of doing so now or ever, but Right Wing Watch took her apart for her appearance discussing the book... And Media Matters took the book apart...

After reading both articles, I'd say Maher went easy on her."
    Even when Maher fails at "defeating" Ann during her appearance on his show (to be fair he was basically just the moderator), liberals still say "...Maher went easy on her." They cannot even admit failure. Additionally, Heather says Right Wing Watch and Media Matters "took [Ann] apart" and "took the book apart," respectively, but anyone who read the "articles" would see that they, in fact, did not. (Go to Heather's piece to find the links for the two articles if you would like.)

"MSNBC's Joy Reid did an excellent job talking about her own experience having first generation immigrant parents and the fact that she is fully American..."
    Joy Reid did an excellent job talking about her own experience? Guess what. Ann asked Reid if America should take the best immigrants possible. Reid responded by "talking about her own experience." That is not an "excellent job."

"...[Reid] whacked Coulter for siding with the likes of big agriculture and big business, who want that cheap labor and for taking advantage of what should be called slave labor in America."
    The response to this was best put by soopermexican of The Right Scoop:
"... [Reid] talked about how immigration is "slavery," but somehow still supports that slavery."

    Heather finishes with:
"Coulter [claimed] that she goes after Republicans harder than she does Democrats in her book, which had Maher asking her why it was only liberals and the left she was attacking in the title. Her excuse for that one was that there wasn't enough room to name everyone she had issues with.

Maher's audience wasn't buying her snake oil. Why he keeps bringing her back to troll them is beyond me."
    Heather's ignorance is baffling. Ann repeatedly said (speaking with mostly conservative news outlets that she shouldn't need to supposedly lie to like Heather thinks Ann lied to Maher) that rich Republicans are just as bad. Just look at this interview at minute 7, this interview at minute 43, this interview at minute 3, this interview at minute 9, this excerpt, this speech (the second and third quotes), and this interview at minute 33.

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