Tuesday, June 16, 2015

American Renaissance Writer Hails ¡Adios America! as "A Monument to Common Sense"

    Jared Taylor of American Renaissance released a lengthy review of ¡Adios America! on Tuesday, June 16, 2015. It is called "¡Adios, America!: Coulter’s Call for Immigration Sanity."

    Jimmy LaSalvia brought it to Ann's attention:

    Ann replied with:

    Here are some quotes from Taylor's review:

"The news is full of immigration stories disguised as worry about Americans: poor children, fat children, teen pregnancy, dropouts, income inequality, Medicare fraud, identity theft, child rape, sex trafficking, prison overcrowding, "homegrown" terrorism, drug-resistant TB, etc. Miss Coulter points out that immigrants bring us these things, but to point that out is "racist.""
"Miss Coulter begins by pointing out that the United States is not an idea, but an actual country with a founding stock. She quotes Richard Brookhiser: "The WASP character is the American character . . . . Without the WASP it would be another country altogether." She also notes that "two centuries after the first Europeans settled America, the white population was 80 percent British and 98 percent Protestant." She continues:

The British Empire spread Anglo-Saxon culture around the globe–Protestant morals, individualism, the rule of law. Most British colonies rejected those values. Only the ones populated by actual British people–America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand–managed to hold on to them and, as a result, prospered."
"Back when newcomers were white we were allowed to ask them adopt our ways, but no longer. Miss Coulter reminds us of Dong Lu Chen, who beat his cheating wife to death with a claw hammer. He got off with probation because a judge was made to understand how much the Chinese hate being cuckolded. The head of the Asian-American Defense and Education Fund–a woman–said that a prison term would be wrong because it would "promote the idea that when people come to America they have to give up their way of doing things. That is an idea we cannot support.""
"...Miss Coulter has noticed that men who rape their 11-year-old nieces or 8-year-old stepdaughters are almost always Hispanic. They grew up with different ideas: The age of consent in Mexico is 12 in all but one Mexican state and 14 in the other. Miss Coulter also notes that since 1990 there have been 53 verified cases of girls age 10 and under giving birth in Latin America–and probably plenty more in the wilds of Bolivia and Honduras. By contrast, there have been only eight such cases in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all of Western Europe combined. In seven of those cases, the father was an immigrant."
"It could save a lot of soul-searching about ‘our’ violent culture if journalists didn’t hide the fact that gang rapes are generally committed by people who are not from our culture."
"Miss Coulter reminds us how much Robert Putnam of Harvard squirmed when his data showed that diversity kills community trust. In his study of various cities, San Francisco came in dead last in social capital. "This is one problem you can’t blame on blacks," writes Miss Coulter; "that city is 42 percent white, 33 percent Asian, 15 percent Hispanic, 6 percent black . . . .""
"There is a simple GOP route to victory:

By unapologetically opposing the transformation of America into a Third World country, the GOP would sweep the white vote–once white people recovered from the shock of any candidate asking for their vote. Why should Republicans be ashamed of getting white votes? How about the party work on getting more of them? . . . Any party incapable of winning the vote of white men ought to hang its head in shame. Democrats denounce and abuse white people, and Republicans act embarrassed about having whites vote for them."

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